Умови обслуговування

  1. Definitions
            The terms used in the Terms of Service shall mean:
    1. Artifact - a virtual item for a computer game.
    2. Terms and Conditions - These Terms and Conditions govern the use of Services provided by the Service Provider through the Website.
    3. Website - the website available at www.cs.trade.
    4. Service Provider - Aimskins Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Kraków, entered into the National Court Register kept by the District Court for Kraków Śródmieście in Kraków, XI Economic Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000627413, NIP number 6762510091, share capital PLN 5,000; e-mail address info@cs.trade.
    5. Service - a service provided electronically by the Service Provider to the User
    6. User - a natural person using the Services.
    7. Wallet - the balance of the virtual CS.TRADE account through which the User may purchase Artefacts on the Service.
    8. Buyer - the User who purchases an Artefact or funds of the Wallet through the Service.
  2. General Provisions
    1. These Terms and Conditions are the rules for the provision of services by electronic means within the meaning of Article 8 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2013, item 1422).
    2. The Terms and Conditions set out the rules for the transaction of Artefacts through the Service.
    3. The Service is a platform for the exchange and purchase of Artefacts by the Users.
    4. The User is obliged to have knowledge and experience in the subject of exchanging virtual items and is aware of the restrictions and risks involved. He/she is aware that any exchange made is final and non-refundable.
    5. The User is obliged to read the information on how the Service operates at https://cs.trade/about
    6. The CS.TRADE Service is not affiliated in any way with Valve Corporation and Steam.
    7. CS.TRADE does not hold any ownership or other property rights in the Artefacts available on the Service.
    8. The use of the Service is possible provided that the User meets the following minimum technical requirements:
      1. Use of Google Chrome/Mozilla Firefox/Opera/Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer web browsers.r
    9. The User may only be a natural person who, subject to paragraph 2.10 below, is at least 18 years of age and has full legal capacity.
    10. In the case of persons between 13 and 18 years of age, the consent of the legal representative is required to make purchases of Artefacts through the Service, unless the value of all transactions made by such User in a given month does not exceed the amount of USD 100.
    11. The User is obliged to comply with these Terms and Conditions.
  3. Terms of use of the Service
    1. As part of the Website, the User is given the opportunity to use the following Services:
      1. creation of an account within the Service
      2. possibility to exchange own Artefacts for those available on the Site
      3. the possibility to buy Artefacts
    2. Access to the Service referred to in 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 above requires:
      1. creation of an account within the Service by the User. Create an account by filling in the registration form with the data concerning the User indicated in the registration form.
    3. With the registration, the User gains access to the account on the Website, which is provided by the Service Provider each time the User logs in.
    4. A given account on the Steam platform can only correspond to one account on the Service. The Service does not collect or store logins and passwords for User accounts on the Steam platform.
    5. The creation of an account is free of charge.
    6. The contract for the use of an account on the Service is concluded for an indefinite period of time. The user can terminate it at any time by deleting the account. The deletion of the account does not exclude the User's obligation to pay the fees for the transactions carried out through the Service before the deletion of the account.
    7. During registration, as well as when using the Services, the User shall:
      1. provide data that is truthful, accurate and up-to-date, not misleading and not infringing the rights of third parties
      2. update the data provided in the registration form, immediately after any change to such data; the update of the data shall be made within the account
    8. The user is solely responsible for the content of the data he/she has provided. The User is also solely responsible for the disclosure to other persons of data that may allow access to the Website through his/her account.
    9. The Service Provider is not a provider of Internet access or a provider of other telecommunication services within the meaning of the Telecommunication Law. The User shall himself/herself gain access to a computer workstation or terminal device through which it is possible to use the Website.
    10. The User is obliged to:
      1. use the Services in a manner that does not interfere with the functioning of the Website, in particular by using specific software or device
      2. use the Services in a manner compliant with the provisions of the law in force in the Republic of Poland, provisions of the Terms of Use, as well as with the customs adopted in a given scope
      3. not to provide or transmit content which is forbidden by the provisions of applicable law and which is contrary to good practice or infringes the rights of third partie
      4. not to send and/or post unsolicited commercial information (so-called spam) on the Website
      5. use all content posted within the Service only for personal use within the meaning of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights. Use of content in any other scope is permitted only based on explicit consent granted by an authorised person in writing under pain of invalidity
      6. the User acting as a Buyer is obliged, after ordering the Artefact, to pay the price for the purchase of the Artefact in the manner specified in the Terms and Conditions
    11. The User of the Service is advised to ensure that his/her computer environment is secure. The use of anti-virus software is recommended.
    12. The User may report technical incidents or malfunctions concerning the Website to the Service Provider at the email address support@cs.trade.
  4. Commissions and fees
    1. The use of the Site by Users acting as Buyers is free of charge.
    2. Buyers are obliged to pay the remuneration for the Artefacts purchased or the funds of the Wallet for subsequent exchange for Artefacts via the Service. Payment of the Artefact fee is a condition for the purchase of an Artefact. The only form of payment for Artefacts is prepayment.
    3. Prepayment can be made through the Stripe.com transaction service.
    4. If payment is made via the Stripe transaction service, the User is obliged to read the terms and conditions of the transaction service. The transaction is the responsibility of the transaction service selected by the User.
    5. The conclusion of the contract of sale of the Artefact or the funds of the Wallet shall take place at the moment when the payment made by the Buyer is credited.
  5. Liability
    1. The Service Provider shall not be liable for the actions of the Site Users.
    2. The Service Provider is not liable for interruptions in the operation of the Website resulting from the malfunctioning of the infrastructure or IT/IT systems, the proper functioning of which is beyond the control of the Service Provider.
    3. The Service Provider shall not be liable for malfunctioning or unavailability of the Site if it was the result of the User's failure to comply with the requirements referred to in Chapter II of the Terms and Conditions.
  6. Complaints
    1. Virtual Items are qualified as digital content and are thus excluded from the general right of withdrawal due to their specification. All transactions with Artefacts, i.e. exchange, sale or purchase, are final and cannot be revoked - they are non-refundable.
    2. The User has the right to make a complaint regarding the functioning of the Service within 14 days counting from the day on which the event giving rise to the complaint occurred to the e-mail address support@cs.trade.
    3. A complaint should contain the following: name, surname of the User, mailing address, as well as a detailed description and reason for the complaint.
    4. A complaint shall be considered by the Service Provider within no more than 14 days from the date of its effective submission. The Service Provider will inform the User of how the complaint has been considered.
    5. A complaint lodged after the time limit specified in clause 6.2 shall be left unprocessed, of which the Service Provider will immediately notify the User.
    6. The User has the right to seek assistance from the City or County Consumer Ombudsman.
    7. Any disputes related to the provision of the Services may be settled out of court, in particular through mediation.
    8. The court competent to resolve disputes related to the provision of Services under the Service shall be the court of local jurisdiction determined by the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code.
    9. EU Online Dispute Resolution: For our consumers based in the European Union, the European Commission provides an Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform to help facilitate the resolution of disputes. If you have a complaint about a product or service purchased from us, you have the option to resolve this dispute online through the ODR platform. The ODR platform is a web-based platform designed to help consumers who have bought goods or services online. It seeks to facilitate an independent, impartial, transparent, effective, fast, and fair out-of-court resolution to disputes. The platform can be accessed at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. Should you have any complaints, please contact us first at https://support.cs.trade so we can attempt to resolve the issue directly.
  7. Final Provisions
    1. To the extent not regulated herein, the provisions of the Polish law shall apply
    2. The current Terms of Use are published on the website https://cs.trade/terms-of-service in a manner allowing for its storage and multiple reproductions in the ordinary course of activities.
    3. If the Terms and Conditions are changed, the Service Provider will inform the Users about the change in the Terms and Conditions. The User will be bound by the provisions of the Terms and Conditions in the new wording unless the User exercises the right to terminate the agreement for the provision of services by electronic means within thirty (30) days from the date of notification by the Service Provider of the change of the Terms and Conditions.
    4. The Terms and Conditions shall come into force on 07.08.2022.